On this page, the Musikfonds answers frequently asked questions regarding:
- Project funding
- Application
- During the funding period
- After the project period
The information provided is a basic overview of the prerequisites and general conditions for funding by the Musikfonds; it is not legally binding.
Who can apply for funding?
The target group for funding by Musikfonds are musicians performing and creating free (non-commercially oriented) experimental contemporary music. Regardless of the musical genre, avant-garde concepts are the funding’s focus.
The Musikfonds’ funding programmes are aimed at professional musicians, composers and sound artists beyond mainstream.am.
What cannot be funded?
All conceivable musical formats are eligible - the more innovative the better.
Project funding focuses on the creation of new compositions, their rehearsal and public presentation (triad "work - interpretation - event"). Possible formats include individual concerts, concert series, installations, sound performances, tours, festivals, etc.
What cannot be funded?
Permanent funding (regular or institutional funding) and funding for purchases (e.g. of instruments, technology) are excluded.
How much funding is awarded?
Within the framework of project funding, there are two possibilities:
- Short-term, so-called “small project funding” with a maximum application amount of 3.000 Euro and total project costs less than 10.000 Euro.
- Regular project funding with an application amount between 3.001 Euro and 50.000 Euro (maximum).
When can applications be submitted?
Applications with a maximum application amount of 3,000 euros can be submitted at five fixed deadlines per year, depending on the planned start of the project.
The fourth submission deadline for 2024 is 14.10.2024.REGULAR PROJECT FUNDING
Applications for funding between 2.001 Euro up to a maximum of 50.000 Euro can be submitted on three fixed deadlines per year, depending on the planned start of the project:
- 31.03. - earliest possible project start date June
- 30.09. - earliest possible project start December
Are there fixed timeframes for the projects?
The earliest possible start of the project depends on the date of the application (see deadlines). The end of the project is defined by the applicant.
It is recommended to plan sufficient time after the end of the last event for final accounting matters. Please note that all orders, contracts, payments etc. need to be realized within the agreed project period. Funding by Musikfonds does not necessarily end at the end of a calendar year. A project period can therefore continue into the following year.
The project period is determined for each individual project, usually it is several months up to 2 years, depending on your project’s requirement. Projects with a duration longer than 2 years will need special planning and justification.
Who decides on the approval of applications?
The Musikfonds’ Board of Trustees decides on the project applications. The members of the Board of Trustees are proposed by the member associations of the Musikfonds and elected every three years by the General Assembly.
The Board of Trustees consists of two groups of 10 members each. The two groups alternate so each trustee is involved in every second round of funding. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Trustees chair the meetings of the Board of Trustees.
The meetings of the Board of Trustees are not public and funding decisions are not justified.
Can a rejected project (up to 50.000 EUR) be resubmitted for project funding up to 3.000 EUR?
Projects that have already been rejected by the Board of Trustees will generally not be approved, even in the small project funding category up to 3.000 Euro.
We kindly ask applicants to refrain from resubmitting projects that have already been rejected.
Can funding be applied for if other institutions already agreed on funding the same project?
Funding generally requires co-financing of at least 10% of the total eligible expenditure. Co-financing may include
- Complementary funds from other public funding bodies (e.g. federal states, municipalities)
- Own funds (exclusively cash)
- grants from third parties (public bodies, foundations, sponsoring, donations)
- Ticket sales and participation fees
In the case of funding, proof of the co-financing share must be provided at the latest when the contract is drawn up.
It is also advisable to obtain several financing options beyond this. Please note that you cannot apply for funding for a project that has already begun!
When and how do I receive notification that my application has been approved or rejected? Are rejections justified?
- The funding decisions for the large project funding (3.001 - max. 50.000 Euro) are usually communicated by e-mail approx. 2 months after the deadline.
- The funding decisions for the small project funding (up to a maximum of 3.000 Euro) are usually communicated by e-mail approximately 2 weeks after the deadline.
There will be no individual justificatopm for the funding decisions, also there is no right to funding.
Who is eligible to apply?
The Musikfonds’ funding programmes are aimed at professional musicians, composers and sound artists of contemporary music.
As a rule, professional musicians are defined by the ability to earn their living from their musical activities. Membership of the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and professional associations (DKV, DJU, DEGEM, etc.) are also good indicators.
Applicants or applying organisations must have their place of residence or business in Germany.
The focus of the project must be in Germany and the presentation of the project/results should include at least one public event.
Can several applications for different projects be submitted by the same person/organisation in one funding round?
Theoretically, yes. However, we recommend to concentrate on one project and to elaborate it as specifically and well-founded as possible.
It is not realistic that an applicant will receive funding for more than one project in one funding round.Under certain circumstances, it may be an option to submit two different projects with different financial needs.
Can applications be submitted in English?
Yes, the submission of applications in English is possible.
What information and documents are required for a project application?
Please read the information in the section Required Data.
Is the financing plan (FP) submitted with the application binding?
The FP is binding with regard to the amount of the total expenditure; it is also mandatory to list all other funding for the project. If you are applying for funding from other funding institution for the same project, please ensure that the information is transparent and consistent.
The FP should sum up all expenses for the project in a comprehensible and transparent way; please avoid large lump sums.
If significant changes are necessary after the funding has already been approved, the changes must be made in consultation with the Musikfonds.When entering the positions of the FP, pay attention to plausibility and comprehensibility and break them down or summarise them sensibly at appropriate points: How high are the planned fees per artist/concert? What is the scope of the commissioned composition (duration, voices)? What costs do you calculate per night in the hotel? etc.
You can find an exemplary financing plan with further information on our website.
What fee should be calculated per artist?
A minimum fee of 300 Euro per performance should be calculated for each artist. Further information on fee guidelines can be found in the document Hinweise zum Finanzierungsplan.
What are Eigenmittel? When are they necessary?
Item 2.2 of the financing plan refers to own funds that flow into the project. These are funds that you use from your own reserves for project expenditure.
Own funds must always be contributed in the specified amount and spent first.
Can the production of recordings (audio- or video-only) be funded?
Within the framework of the triad of “work - interpretation - event/mediation” stated in the funding principles, the production of sound and image carriers may be a partial component of funding, particularly in the case of innovative forms of documentation. Only post-production is eligible for funding (e.g. recordings of the concert). The production or pressing of sound carriers is not eligible for funding.
Pure studio projects have little chance of receiving funding.
Publicity projects (e.g. catalogs, book publications, essays) can be applied for as part of a project if they serve the aesthetic reflection of specific music content in other media.
What are Geldwerte Leistungen? Are they necessary?
Geldwerte Leistungen (position 4. in the financing plan) are non-cash or other benefits included in the project. For example, you have technical equipment that is used for the project free of charge; or the rehearsals take place in your rehearsal room – thus no additional room/technical equipment needs to be rented. Or if one of the artists gets a travel grant from another funding institution (e.g. an embassy pays for the ticket directly) – that’s a geldwerte Leistung too.
Generally Geldwerte Leistung applies to services/goods that are paid for by a third party, meaning you (the applicant) cannot provide proof of payment.
Can an application be submitted if certain information is missing (e.g. venue, list of artists, etc.)?
The more detailed your project planning, the better are its chances for funding. Please provide a thorough, plausible and realistic project and financial plan.
You will need an Spielstättenbescheinigung (equivalent to a letter of intent) from the planned venues. The participating artists should be identified and know that they are involved in your project. Additional funding applications to other institutions should be listed in the application form.
For example it is not ok to change the line-up (list of participating artists) after a project has been selected for funding. The Musikfonds should always be notified on any significant changes after the application has been submitted, e.g. if planned third-party funding (which was not yet secured at the time of application) has been approved.
What is a Spielstättenbescheinigung (SPB)? What form does it have to take?
An SPB is a letter from the planned venue stating that your event is welcome to take place on a specific date or within a planned time slot. Ideally, it also contains the terms and conditions of the venue.
It is important that you do not sign any rental contracts, the SPB is rather a letter of intent.
Can documents be submitted later if not ready in time for the application? (e.g. SPB, confirmation of third-party funding, etc.)
Please make sure your project application is detailed and as complete as possible on submission.
Venue certificates cannot be submitted subsequently.
Updates regarding third party funding can be submitted later, please communicate these information asap.
Incomplete and faulty applications will not be submitted to the Board of Trustees.
When can I start the project?
Please make sure not to start the project before you receive an answer to your application. There is no funding for ongoing projects. You will need the funding contract in order to start the project.
Yet you have the option to apply for an early start (vorzeitigen Maßnahmenbeginn) once you received the approval from Musikfonds. That means you can begin the project before the project contract is signed (at your own risk).Otherwise your project will officially start when your project contract is issued.
What actions are considered to be the start of the project?
Any project-related activity that involves a payment obligation is considered a project start - e.g. issuing of orders (e.g. composition commission), signing contracts, booking travels, etc.
Publicity measures or the advance sale of tickets for the planned event(s) may also only take place once the project contract has been signed or the early start (vorzeitiger Maßnahmenbeginn) has been agreed upon.
My application has been approved, what’s next?
Please contact Musikfonds office within 4 weeks of receiving the approval of funding and let the team know via email at info@musikfonds.de if you accept the funding.
Can I start the project immediately upon approval?
Before you officially start your project (e.g. book tickets, sign contracts or make any expenses), you have to contact Musikfonds and conclude the funding contract or apply for an early start (vorzeitiger Maßnahmenbeginn (VZMB)).
What documents are needed for the project contract?
Before your project contract can be created, the following up-to-date information is required:
- planned project period
- updated budget plan (using the Musikfonds template – example here)
- confirmation of third-party funding
- if applicable, updated line-up / list of artists, event date(s) + venue(s), project description
What does the project period (Projektzeitraum (PZR)) mean?
When submitting your updated project documents, please also let Musikfonds know when exactly (exact date of start/end) you will be putting the project into practice. It is important that you allow sufficient time for the preparation and follow-up (including accounting) of your project.
The project period equals the time frame for the funding. It is essential to ensure that all project-related expenditure and income takes place within this contractually defined period.
As a rule, the project period is several months up to 2 years; depending on your individual project planning.In case your project requires a longer time for realization, you can ask for an exception and project duration of more than 2 years; please note that this has to be justified and agreed upon with Musikfonds.
Is a separate project account necessary?
A project account is not obligatory, but recommended for easier project management.
It is mandatory that the project funds are requested for transfer into a German bank and that the project leader has unlimited access to the account until the project is complete, i.e. until the proof of use (Verwendungsnachweis) has been checked and closed.
What is the difference between fixed-amount (Festbetragsfinanzierung) and partial financing funding (Fehlbedarfsfinanzierung)?
If possible, the Musikfonds grants are awarded as fixed-amount funding in accordance with the statutes. That means a fixed amount is granted and does not have to be repaid - provided the funding is used verifiably according to the specifications of the contract; the correct use needs be provable.
In the case of partial financing funding the grant covers the shortfall, so upon completion, the amount of the actual expenditure will need to be accounted for; in case requested Musikfonds funds exceed the amount of the actual expenditure, the difference must be restituted.
Projects with third-party funding, and for which the planned income or savings are expected to vary from the budget, can only be granted as partial financing funding.In both cases, the funding must only be used within the project period. They are only to be called for and used when all other available Eigenmittel and third-party funds (Drittmittel) have been exhausted. The public funds must be spent within 6 weeks upon call for funds (6-Wochenfrist).
When and how can the approved funds be called for?
After signing the project contract and provided all available EIgenmittel and third-party funds (Drittmittel) have been exhausted, the funds can be called for using a special form (Mittelabruf)
Bank transfers are issued monthly on two fixed dates: on the 8th or 22nd of the month (i.e. the next working day if it happens to be a weekend). Please submit the completed form (Mittelabruf) digitally (Excel format) by the 1st or 15th of the month. Our team will run a preliminary check and let you know, if all is correct. Then you need to submit the Mittelabruf with you original signature by post.
By when must the funds called for and spent?
The project funds can only be called for and spent within the contractually defined project period. Upon call you have 6 weeks to pay project related expenditures (6-Wochenfrist).
What is the so-called 6-Wochenfrist?
German law on grants stipulates that public funding is to be spent immediately, but no later than 6 weeks upon receipt. Funds that have not been spent within 6 weeks must be reimbursed (to Musikfonds) and can be called for again at a later date (within the defined project period).
So please make sure to request only the amount you need in the following 6 weeks. Alternatively, in the case of smaller fundings, (and if you can afford to) it is possible to settle payments in advance and request the funding amount shortly before the end of the project.
What changes must be communicated to the Musikfonds during the course of the project?
All significant changes to the project must be communicated in writing.
This includes, for example, changes regarding the list of artists or participants, venues and event formats as well as changes affecting the contracting parties (legal form, change of address, etc.).Please inform Musikfonds immediately if the implementation of the project (or parts of it) is compromised.
Can the financing plan (FP) be updated in the course of the funding?
Yes, an update of the FP is possible and is explicitly recommended. Changes of more than +/-20% (to positions in the FP) require approval by the Musikfonds.
What logos have to be used for promotional material related to the funding; is a printing approval by Musikfonds required?
Yes, Musikfonds should be mentioned in all media referring to the project (e.g. posters, flyers, film products, invitations, websites, social media posts, press releases, etc.) with both the logo of the Musikfonds and the logo of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM). Prior to publication, print approval must be obtained from the Musikfonds. The logos and the instructions for use can be downloaded in the Templates and Regulations section.
What is an interim proof of use (ZVN)? When does it have to be submitted?
A ZVN is due if your project does not end within a calendar year, but has a duration longer than until the end of March of the following year.
In the ZVN, you will list all expenditures made in the previous year (cut-off date 31.12.) and submit a short report on the project's progress to date. Please refer to the ZVN fact sheet for more information.
The deadline for submission is stated in the project contract.
Can the project period (Projektzeitraum (PZR)) be extended?
An extension of the PZR is possible under certain conditions – it requires a comprehensible explanation. Please reach out to your contact person within the Musikfonds office as soon as you realize it might be necessary.
What steps follow after the contractually defined end of the project period?
After you have effectuated all project activities (including payment of all project-related expenditures) within the defined PZR, you need to submit your proof of use by the agreed deadline (usually about one month after the end of the project period).
The exact deadline can be found in your project contract.
What is a proof of use (Verwendungsnachweis (VN))?
The VN serves as a proof that the project was successfully realized in accordance with the original application and contract and that the funds were used in compliance with the contract, i.e. adequate, efficient and economic use of funds within the contractually stipulated project period.
When and how is the proof of use (Verwendungsnachweis, (VN)) to be submitted?
The deadline for submitting your VN is stated in the project contract.
We recommend that you download the Musikfonds template when you start the project and fill it in continuously during the course of the project.
Please submit the digital version of the VN in Excel format on the agreed deadlline. This template consists of a six parts: 1. title page, 2. numerical proof of expenditure 3. numerical proof of income , 4. list of receipts, 5. report and 6. an overview of the project (participants, travels, hotels etc.).
Part 2 + 3 numerical proof, is a tabular comparison of the TARGET values (planned expenditure and income according to the most recently updated financing plan) and the ACTUAL values (the actual expenditure and income).After a preliminary check by your contact person at the Musikfonds, please send us the signed documents as a pdf file.
If printed materials in the form of programme booklets, flyers, posters or publications were produced in the course of the project, two copies of each must be sent to the Musikfonds by post. This also applies to sound carrier productions.
Do the original receipts have to be submitted with the proof of use (Verwendungsnachweis (VN))?
The project manager is responsible for keeping the original receipts accessible and safe for the legal period of time; but at this point they need not be submitted with the proof of use. However, the Musikfonds reserves the right to request receipts (original by post or digital) in the course of the examination of your VN.
Do all expenses have to be documented with invoices?
Yes, all expenses listed in the proof of use must be verifiable by means of invoices (or contract agreements) plus the corresponding proofs of payment (receipts for cash payments or bank statements).
What is a personal receipt (Eigenbeleg)? What form is required?
The fees the project manager receives in the course of the project also have to be documented in the proof of use. You do this in the form of a personal receipt (Eigenbeleg). In this personal receipt (Eigenbeleg) the issuing party is also the bill-to-party, other than that, it should contain the same information as an invoice:
- name & address of the recipient of the payment
- tax number
- personal receipt number
- amount received
- purpose of use: service rendered/relation to the project/period of performance
- information on value added tax
- confirmation of receipt of payment
- place, date and signature
What happens is receipts (e.g. KSK, GEMA, etc.) are not available for the submission deadline?
Please reach out to your contact person at Musikfonds as soon as possible - i.e. before the end of the project - in case you realize that you cannot issue payment or provide proof of payment in time for the submission date.
How long does it take until the proof of use (Verwendungsnachweis (VN)) is checked and verified?
The Musikfonds makes every effort to examine and verify your VN as quickly as possible. Due to high workload or other circumstances, the review may take several months (we strive to start the verification process no longer than 6-18 months after submission, yet this can vary depending on the staffing level at Musikfonds).
Please note that you are bound by contract to keep all project-relevant documents and to submit them upon request, as well as to answer any questions that arise during the review process in a timely manner.
You haven't found a suitable answer to your question?
The Musikfonds team will be happy to help:
application consultation
Tuesdasy trough Thursday
10-12 AM und 1-3 PM